Sunday, July 29, 2012

A hoopla of things; mainly my drinking problem

So these past few days have been jam packed. So I'll jam pack this post. For all of my followers. All of them. Every single one. So as stated I will mostly be talking about my alcohol addiction, how I hate my job, and the music I like. Because I think it's so much better than yours. Because it is. It really is. Get out of here with that wub wub wub wub bullshit.
So while I was at work I usually take pictures of myself because I'm always looking pretty decent so thats what this ones from and I look like a babe. When I'm not doing that I'm neglecting customers and shopping for shit I don't need. But CUTE shit. Like this new wallet I got. It's organic and made out of hemp and hippy hair so I've reduced my carbon foot print a bit. All my hippy followers will love that. You're welcome guys. See you at 'roo 2013. Syke fuck that.
So here starts the part where I talk about my love of booze. My friend Brian who is moving away in a week came for a visit the other night and as usual I tried to drink my face off. Thank god it stayed on though, right? Have you seen it? You must've I post enough pictures of myself how could you not? Keep your comments to yourself don't give me a big ego.

So I tried to get sauced and proceeded to fail a bit. I was still able to speak so that was a downfall. This taxi company told me it would take them 45 minutes to come get me and drive me 4 minutes to my house so I said fuck that and we walked.

This photo was before I said "fuck that" to the taxi situation.
I have this love of Saves The Day. Probably one of the only things I will ever actually love. And I know I look like a murderer, that was the point.

So the next day, naturally I was stressed out from my busy lifestyle. You know I worked 6 fucking days this week AND still go to class. Yeah, I'd say I'm a tad stressed. So i was graciously treated to a massage at Nurture Spa by my lovely mother who I call Nansh. So I was in this serene environment all morning.
I know, nice right. Would've invited you all but I didn't. So I get this massage from Amy and it was phenomenal. No happy ending though. But I was still happy. Because I got a massage I didn't have to pay for. I'm sure you get it. If you don't you're stupid and should unfollow me now. I have so many followers.
After my day of pampering, more like just an hour. I had to go back to fucking work. What else is new, nothing there. So there I stand for 7 hours wishing someone would shoot my kneecaps off so I could be send home early. That didn't happen so thats when I summoned the girl from Sunglass Hut and my boyfriend to go out drinking. Right. Here it is again.
So to North Bowl we went. I'm normally a beer drinking. Only locally crafted microbrews or pbr's really. But there was this LIST. Let me say it was also Christmas in July that night so I was drinking Drunken Grandfathers all night. Which is pretty much sprite, lemon, and Jameson.
This drink should have actually been called, your grandfather roofied your drink. Because, I mean, I can hold my booze. But this was a different story. I had the whole swerve thing happening which was alright, made me look not as lame as I usually am but then when the bouncer had to ask us to leave and I fell asleep in the car on the ride back I was still pretty lame. And not to mention I had no idea where my boyfriend had parked my car the night before so when I had to leave in the morning there I am standing at whore corner capital of the world being blinded by the sun with a crack whore asking me for a cigarette. I told her, lady you have no idea.

So this is the evidence that I, in fact got roofied. And in the morning when I had to go to work hungover.

I actually just wanted to show you, and all of my wonderful followers more pictures of myself. Because even when I'm unconscious, I still look pretty amazing. Look at me. All of my followers, look.

So I'll end this with how my music is better than yours and everything you listen to sucks immensely. These came in the mail today when I returned home from work. Again.
So I'm going to this and it's their last show on the tour and it's in Philly so if any of my followers are doing the same let a girl know so we can drink together, obviously, on the balcony and scream the lyrics to Hello Houston. And cry when they play Best Of Me because I'm sure by that point I'll be a few deep and be feeling real nostalgic. WE'RE STILL YOUNG. Fuck I know I'll cry.

When I kept talking about my followers it was a ploy, because I have none. See ya.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Floral Green.

Floral Green is the new album set to be released September 18th, 2012, from one of my favorite bands of all time. I've only heard the one track the released off this album so far but from what I've heard and from friends who have already heard the entire album, it's a far step in the other direction from the Title Fight I've grown to love and appreciate.

Title Fight has always had that very raw and pure sense of aggression but at the same time has tangled in a lingering sound of longing and hopefulness. Their first record, No One Stays At The Top Forever, is what instantly had me hooked. The deep, harsh vocals that wretched out just what I was feeling. I'd listen to it over and over. When they came out with Shed last summer, my feelings were no different. Still the same feel as No One Stays At The Top Forever but it felt a bit darker.

Their song released from Floral Green called, Head In The Ceiling Fan, is a total 180 from what we've previously heard from them. It is a way more softer side, but the realness is still there. Maybe now more than it ever was. Head In The Ceiling Fan leads in with a somber and soft intro and then picks up when you're not expecting it. And then it hits you. They're still the same. They're just growing. The soft and elongated vocals paired with the still raw music in the background make up something they haven't touched on yet.

Go here to listen to it. It's definitely worth your time.

Monday, July 23, 2012

RIP TO MY MAN HEATH; and i guess i'll talk about west chester too.

What's up ladies. I completely forgot to include the other day that I did in fact see THE DARK KNIGHT RISES. At midnight. And it ruled. I've been a huge fan of the Batman movies forever and when The Dark Knight came out in theaters I believe about 4 years ago, I too saw that at midnight. So this was pretty much like I had to do it.

I'm not going to go scene by scene and give you my synopsis on it because if you did that in your blog and I had to painfully read through it I'd rip my eyes out. So I'll spare you by saying this. YEAH, it was one of the best movies I have ever seen. The cinematography, flow, strength, emotion and gracefulness of each shot was phenomenal. Its about a 2 hour and 15 minute movie and I wept a good 70 minutes if it. My boyfriend next to me thought it was that lady time but he was wrong. It's just a beautiful movie and crime fighting brings me to tears. BUT, when you go, please pay attention to the last 15 minutes. It is the most tragic yet beautifully fulfilling way to end a trilogy. Omg tearing up here just thinking about it.

Last night I went to West Chester to visit some dear manly friends who will be leaving the east coast for California in less than two weeks. I haven't known these two guys long but I've taken a strong liking to them and I'm going to be super bummed when they leave. Even if they're the worst dudes, which they are, they're the best dudes. So we had some beers, went to a house, they put on discounted Harry Potter look-alike costumes and proceeded to film a skit because now that they're going to California they think they're Vinny Chase. So here we are in a field at 1 am in West Chester in pretty much complete darkness and all I can think about is every scary movie I've ever seen so I hightailed it back inside to the empty house and watched Chopped and slept on the couch. Best dudes.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

And I was just like, you know what, forget it.

I thought I was ready for the real world by taking on this market job but guess what, I wasn't! Big surprise amirite? Anyway it was sketchy from the start and my mother decided to talk me out of it yesterday. Which was sort of unnecessary because by the time my day was done there on Friday I had already stubbed my toe, gotten like 3 bug bites, and had a rich jewish man laugh in my face. That condescending prick put me over the EDGE. I actually called him an asshole to his face hoping to get fired on the spot. Sadly this did not happen.

But I'm done! No more! Back to Bare Minerals! Dealing with uneducated foreigners, foreigners who wear fake Dolce & Gabanna shirts (oh my god you should have seen it it said Dolce & Gabanna in COMIC SANS, I DIED), but I digress. Also people asking me for free samples and me being so offended so I just tell them we don't have any, and the store manager lady who is comparable to a giraffe-to keep telling me to get off my phone. I'm like, lady, I run a tight social media circle here but I see you have no friends so I don't expect you to understand.

SO STARTING LINE TICKETS ARE NOW ON SALE! Who's gotten theirs yet? I'm picking up mine this week from a friend. Service charges are crazy though aren't they? I was going to purchase online just like I'm sure the majority of you guys are but once I found and acquaintance with an extra I hoped right on that bandwagon. So the next step to this as I'm sure you all know is, WHO WILL BE OPENING? Again, like many of you, I'm sure you're hoping its some Drive-Thru bands. Wanna know how nostalgic I'd be if I got there and first I see Allister...Home Grown...NFG...Socratic...Hidden in Plain View? So nostalgic. Like the most. I'd be up there drinking my $8 High Life screaming along to Suburbia by Allister. I'm already getting choked up thinking about it.

So anyway, again, get your tickets before you regret this. A 10th Anniversary Album tour only comes around every 10 years. Smart math, right.

My suggestions for your Sunday are to have a few cheap High Lifes, listen to every band you ever loved that was signed with Drive-Thru and purchase your Startling Line tickets. How could you be disappointed by the outcome of any of this?

Monday, July 16, 2012


 CURRENTLY, right now I'm in my digital mapping class. Learning about maps and shit. I have not paid attention pretty much the whole time and I've been here since 1pm. He's talking about the tundra. Must be talking about in here because I'm fucking freezing. The photo class I'm taking is pretty easy especially since it's online AND THANK JESUS CHRIST. I don't have to meet with anyone more than need be. See, there I go already. Complaining about school. This is just the beginning.
 I've finally got a planner so hopefully my life can finally be in order and it won't seem so hectic anymore. I highly doubt that a calendar will help me feel less stressed but maybe my klonopin will. Whatever I can say that, I'm prescribed.
 In other news THE STARTING LINE has just announced that they will be doing a 10th Anniversary Tour for 'Say It Like You Mean It', and I could not be more stoked. I know everyone says it and I'll say it one more time like every other a-hole out there. I love music and this is the music I've grown up with and made me who I am today. TEN YEARS. That shit came out when I was 12. And it's still one of my favorite albums. God bless these bands and for giving me an outlet for when I really hate things on certain days. But not today, because this tour has been announced. If you're in Philadelphia like I am, your date is December 30th at the Electric Factory or December 29th at the Starland Ballroom in Sayerville, NJ. But to be honest if you have to chose, go with the one on the 30th. It's the last show and it's in the fabulous city of Philadelphia so I'm positive it will be nothing short of disappointing. Tickets are set to go on sale this Friday and Saturday so be sure to pick yours up asap because I'm sure these suckers will be gone in a flash. To get tickets and view the tour schedule visit to find out more of the info.
 Anyway back to class, they're about to make me watch and Inconvenient Truth. Okay Al Gore, this is so 2003. Global warming I mean whatever. There's 10th anniversary tours coming up so there's not much else I'm concerned about. Except not embarrassing myself on the first day of my new job tomorrow. But that's what klonopins are for. ALRIGHT BYE GUYS, get your tix.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

summer start.

So this summer has begun and I've found myself with hardly any free time at all. All my friends have graduated college and are looking for jobs and haven't had success. AND LOOK AT ME! I've now got two jobs. $uck it to you all. But I'm still the one in college and now back home living with my parents so I shouldn't brag too much.
Anyway summer started and I'm still working for Bare Minerals and yesterday I just got hired to work at a marketing firm which I start on Tuesday. And I also have summer class still. So if you're having a shitty summer, I mean, look over here.
I went to Maryland for the 4th of July to my best friends new house with her boyfriend and that was fun. You know, the casual begin drinking at noon, go eat crab legs at 2pm, back to the house drunk, eat more food, take a food/booze nap, wake up watch fireworks, continue drinking til 3am KINDA ORDEAL. I was with my two best friends so it was a blasty blast. And I also got a boyfriend now so he came. Guys like me, WEIRD RIGHT I KNOW.

Whatever, so this blog will mostly be me complaining about my day to day life. About 1) How I'm so tired all the time. 2) How broke I always am. 3) How much I can't wait to move out of my parents house. 4) People and things I hate. I really have no business even attempting to establish a blog about my life because I mean really................I'll probably just post a lot of pictures of myself drinking/with my only 2 friends/drinking with my only 2 friends/me by myself.

Number 4 contains a lot. So, bye.