Wednesday, July 11, 2012

summer start.

So this summer has begun and I've found myself with hardly any free time at all. All my friends have graduated college and are looking for jobs and haven't had success. AND LOOK AT ME! I've now got two jobs. $uck it to you all. But I'm still the one in college and now back home living with my parents so I shouldn't brag too much.
Anyway summer started and I'm still working for Bare Minerals and yesterday I just got hired to work at a marketing firm which I start on Tuesday. And I also have summer class still. So if you're having a shitty summer, I mean, look over here.
I went to Maryland for the 4th of July to my best friends new house with her boyfriend and that was fun. You know, the casual begin drinking at noon, go eat crab legs at 2pm, back to the house drunk, eat more food, take a food/booze nap, wake up watch fireworks, continue drinking til 3am KINDA ORDEAL. I was with my two best friends so it was a blasty blast. And I also got a boyfriend now so he came. Guys like me, WEIRD RIGHT I KNOW.

Whatever, so this blog will mostly be me complaining about my day to day life. About 1) How I'm so tired all the time. 2) How broke I always am. 3) How much I can't wait to move out of my parents house. 4) People and things I hate. I really have no business even attempting to establish a blog about my life because I mean really................I'll probably just post a lot of pictures of myself drinking/with my only 2 friends/drinking with my only 2 friends/me by myself.

Number 4 contains a lot. So, bye.

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